A crawler is a robot that automatically browses websites, mostly used by search engines like Google for web indexing. Google sends their crawlers to fetch websites worldwide, letting Google know which websites contain what content. A good web service provider will help your website set up a sitemap.xml, which acts as a map to ensure crawlers don't "get lost", ensuring that all the web pages you want Google to index are fully indexed!
Did you know? About 60% of the training data for OpenAI's ChatGPT comes from a crawler called CommonCrawl! This shows how important it is for a company to have a website! Otherwise, search engines like Google, future versions of ChatGPT, Bing Chat, and other AIs won't be able to find your company...
The above are legitimate uses of crawlers. In movies, they are often portrayed as tools used to fetch public user data from certain websites, such as phone numbers, emails, etc., for illicit purposes.
If you want your company to be found on Google or ChatGPT, please click the button below to schedule a free expert consultation!
19 Sep 2023